rubber balls and liquor

Hutch Hiker's Guide
Bootle Geese
New Malden, Surrey

In their pursuit of a pun that will give pause to the drinker and make him consider in how many ways the pun actually works, The Hutch-Hiker's Guide brewery called their first beer the Bootle Geese. The human brain naturally trying to make sense of gibberish will immediately note the awkward homage to Douglas Adams. Sensing more at work than simple tribute, however, the drinker will consider all combinations of rabbits, starsky, geese, goosing (is it dirty? rabbits goosing?) - isn't Bootle Street where Manchester's town centre police station is? With no real way of finding out that the brewers are, in fact, too stupid to think of anything cleverer than partially rhyming words, the drinker is doomed to have one mystery plague them into a tormented grave.