Cock Pics Please

Welcome to my website. You’ve probably arrived here from Google – where this post has managed to get onto the front page for a search for “cock pics”. I imagine this isn’t the first place you’ve looked for cock pics, so please – take a break from your cock pic hunt and post a short description of your cock in the comments. Imagine how sexy that would be. I’ll start!
“My cock is an angry red nubbin, that flies into a spitting rage when shown any kind of affection. It is crooked – a remarkable achievement for something so lacking in length – and one large vein dominates the south face of my otherwise featureless mound, like a lazy boil. If it were a celebrity, my cock would be Walter Matthau.”
Also, be a love and send your favourite cock pics to haynonnymus at the gmail, dotcom and I’ll send you sixty pound.

4 thoughts on “Cock Pics Please”

  1. I hate you, because of you, I’ve spent the last 45 minutes searching flickr for other interesting pictures of cocks… You’re such a bad influence!


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