I began this site in May, 1997. The millennium was an unthinkably distant nonsense, I was a 23 year old with hope in his whiskers and a job that required a suit, and I saw fit to write about six pages of shit and call it my Underbelly. It was publicised only on gay mailing lists, and yes, it was a thinly veiled personal advert. It was easier to write six pages of half-arsed humour than to distil myself into twenty five words, such as; "Eager
tool seeks gristle bitch for port and stilton. The strangest thing to me now is the decision to call the court case "Blyth v Niggerkind", having absolutely nothing to do with race. Yes, racism is flirted with in The Beer Talking and The Giraffe, oh yes, and the Random Acts Of Shit..... oh, it's a recurring theme, isn't it? That's alright then. PAGES IN