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Jennifer Hello. I'm Jennifer. Are you the Ambassador?
Consul No, I'm a Consul.
Jennifer Is the Ambassadoré around? I've got him a present. And it's not Ferrero Rocher, either. I bet he gets that all the time.
Consul No, he doesn't. Posh people don't do jokes based on television adverts. We have other TV channels, and we've never heard of The Bill. And no again, he isn't around. He's in his room, dealing with a delicate matter of international relations. One of the Chinamen used a joke hand-buzzer on a Moslem.
Jennifer I'll do it. They just want their heads knocking together.
Consul I'll pass on your recommendation.
[a big, wet flobberchops bloats from underneath the table]
Jennifer Oh, bless you vicar! Blimey. That was a bit scandalous, wasn't it? Still, I'll bet you've heard it all in your position.
Consul Never stated with such rich aplomb, madam.
Jennifer Are you making a pass at me? 'Cos I have to warn you, I am quite firmly attached.
Consul Oh, dear. My heart just fell out of my arse, and has died on the floor.
Jennifer You are making a pass at me. I must insist - this is awful. If I suck your penis will you promise not to have sex with me?
[a staccato papper shears the air]
Consul That was you, again, wasn't it?
Jennifer Fraid so. I tried to keep it in by pressing my bottoms together, but it must have found a crack I don't know about. It's this fizzy wine you keep giving me, you terrible man. The bubbles all wait in my tummy and then fly out of my bottomses when I'm not looking.
Consul Is that the Duchess? I do beg your pardon, I must walk away from you now.
Jennifer Stupid fucker. Hello, are you the Ambassador?


Balls! Balls to this bloody web editor's efficiency at publishing my half-finished files! Well, you'll just have to have an under construction page, and a half-arsed title. It's not my fault. Blame FrontPage, and the fact that I have to go to work in ten minutes.

I believe the proper amount of exclamation marks is three. So, this page is

under construction!!!